Tee Up "Share Requests"

With Please Share, it only take a few seconds for team members to post approved company updates to social media channels.
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Add an Internal Note

Include a short description so team members know what they're being asked to promote. Nothing entered into this field is shared on social media channels.

Utilize Content Templates

Add pre-approved content for employees to share on Twitter, LinkedIn and/or Facebook.

Attach Images & Videos

Upload images, animated gifs or videos for your team to share on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Validate URL Meta Details

Please Share automatically checks URLs (of content to be shared) to indicate if the links have been optimized to be shared on social media channels.

Preview Your Slack Message

Preview how your update will appear to your coworkers in Slack.

Send Updates to Slack

When everything looks good, select "Post" and the share request will appear in Slack a few seconds later.
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Ready to try Please Share?

Add Please Share to your Slack workspace to start a 30-day free trial.